Venturing into the Enchanting World of Ohmydoll

Sex and Technology: Adult Entertainment, New Gen

VR based on the phantom touch illusion

As a blogger, I've embarked on a mission to redefine the conventional and explore the uncharted territories of thought. I believe in the power of unconventional storytelling, where each article is a journey beyond the ordinary. In 2020, a friend residing in Montreal tipped me off about a distinctive attraction for my upcoming visit—Ohmydoll. The concept, a fusion of dolls and virtual reality (VR), piqued my interest. Although my plans to visit Ohmydoll in Montreal didn't materialize, fate intervened when I found an Ohmydoll location during my travels to Edmonton. After discussing and receiving approval from my girlfriend, who found it amusing and not a breach of trust, I went ahead and booked my visit for the Ohmydoll experience in Edmonton.

The Arrival: Stepping into a Secret and Private Palace

Yes, you read it right. As soon as you step inside, the grandiosity of the place unfolds—a surprise I wasn't expecting, to be honest. The entrance hall is expansive, featuring a round front desk and a glass wall adorned with plants and candles. Framed pictures on the wall showcase the collection of dolls that Ohmydoll typically offers at this location. You can't enter the building without an invitation, and a welcoming hostess named Kathy ushered me in. After taking a moment to appreciate the front space, Kathy invited me to remove my shoes and select a pair of branded Ohmydoll sandals. Glancing around, I noticed at least six other customers based on the number of shoes at the entrance. Kathy met my gaze and said, "You might be surprised, but the location spans almost 4000 square feet with ten rooms, some of which are soundproof. We're quite busy most of the time. Kathy then extended an invitation to choose a soft drink and requested the last four digits of my phone number to confirm that I was the intended guest for her guidance and explanation. After the confirmation process, she escorted me to Room 7. As I strolled through the hallway en route to Room 7, a thought crossed my mind reminiscent of the Continental hotel in the movie John Wick. If you've seen the film, you'll recall the elegance and mystery surrounding the Continental, with its distinct rules separate from the outside world. That's precisely how the Ohmydoll establishment felt to me—a sex-centric version of the Continental. I was eager to discover what awaited me next.

The Demo, Package Selection, and the Start of the Adventure

Room 7 at Ohmydoll

After a demonstration of the various packages, I opted for the premium one, which includes two dolls (Your physical escorts), a Magic Head (specifically designed for the experience) for oral stimulation, and the Duplicator (a device used for the initial phase of the encounter, creating a stimulating effect). On the VR side of the experience, I gained access to five categories of experiences, all powered by the cutting-edge VR technology from Brain Waves XR. This technology produces the phantom touch illusion, making it feel like all the VR actions are occurring inside your brain. Within the virtual reality environment, you witness your body from the front, surrounded by beautiful ladies.
Once Kathy left the room, I swiftly shed my clothes, leapt onto the bed, positioned the Duplicator machine appropriately, donned the headset, and initiated one of the experiences within the Spa category. The Spa category mirrors the ambiance of a strip club, featuring VR girls performing enticing moves and undressing to evoke stimulation. It served as the appetizer to kickstart the adventure. Once I completed the initial phase, I moved on to the Magic Head. I activated the Super Blow VR category, immersing myself in the intense blowjobs delivered by the selected porn stars. It was challenging to contain myself; the simulation was exceptionally realistic. Finally, it was time to engage with the dolls. I activated the Orgies experiences library, selected a threesome, and positioned myself behind the doll in a doggy style arrangement. To cut the story short, I experienced climax twice in a row. Surprisingly, I managed to stay for the entire 2-hour session, and time flew by.

Ohmydoll Adult Entertainment / The experience : Pros and Cons

To sum it all up, the adventure at Ohmydoll surpassed my initial expectations. Armed with curiosity and influenced by online reviews and a friend's encouragement, I've compiled a list of both the highs and lows.

Highs :

No Human Contact: With dolls as companions and VR content featuring adult entertainers, there's no exploitation of real people. If you're not inclined to seek the services of another person for intimacy, this ethical option might be just what you're looking for.
Complete Discretion: Ensuring utmost privacy, I encountered no one but my hostess from start to finish. The place, appearing as a typical office space from the outside, features discreet entrances and exits.
Unmatched Professional Approach:
Kathy displayed an incredible level of professionalism. From the outset, Kathy's adeptness at making me feel at ease, coupled with clear and comprehensive explanations, highlighted the seriousness with which the hosting team approaches the entire experience.
Cleanliness: My room appeared impeccably clean, and the showers were spacious with a pleasing design, all in a pristine white. The sheets and towels were also white, making it easy to spot any dirt if there were any.
Sexual Satisfaction: The experience was not just about sex; it was genuinely exciting and exceeded my expectations. Beyond the physical satisfaction and boosted libido, the uniqueness of the encounter is something that needs to be personally experienced. The VR component was truly mind-blowing.

Lows :

Doll Positioning Limitations: Exploring a vast array of positions with the dolls is not feasible, limiting the variety of physical interactions. Here is the acts that you can get : Missionary position, Doggy style position, Blowjobs, Anal and vaginal penetration
Advanced Booking Required: If you're someone who prefers last-minute plans, be prepared for disappointment. Ohmydoll requires at least an hour's notice for bookings, so spontaneity may not be an option. Planning ahead is recommended for those with busy schedules.

Private Bathroom at Ohmydoll
